The Founder

Susan is a mother of three, a Certified Infant Massage Instructor(CIMI), Lactation/Breastfeeding Specialist, and a Registered Nurse.
There is nothing more rewarding for me than being with, and supporting new families. Being a valuable part of helping with new life is an amazing type of gratification. I love what I do! I am passionate about babies, Supporting their mother, empowering her, encouraging her, validating her. I love helping new moms and dads discover the joys of new parenthood, guiding them through the joy and bumps of new parenthood. As a Nurse, I bring my extensive knowledge of human anatomy, physiology and varied physical and emotional needs of an infant, and the mother.
Babies are the buds of imagination that are ready to bloom with lights of love and affection.
~Debasish Mridha
From the Director's Desk
What I feel really sets me apart is my sincere hope that each family I meet, I will offer warm support, gentle encouragement and a true sense of empowerment while providing practical evidence-based guidance to help you in the individual experience and journey as a new parent. As a mother of three children, I learned so much through my experience with each baby. I speak not only from personal experience but as a professional too. New parenthood, is an incredible time with ups and downs we don’t fully realize until we are in the middle of it.
I love what I do and I believe my work reflects that. I look forward to meeting you and helping with your breastfeeding challenges, teach you the art of professional Baby Massage, take you through Nutrition guidance while breastfeeding, Colic management and general postpartum advice, Complementary and general newborn baby care guidance.
“The moment a child is born, the mother is also born. She never existed before. The woman existed, but the mother, never. A mother is something absolutely new.”
~Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh